We encourage bicycling as a safe, fun, economical, efficient, environmentally friendly and healthy transportation alternative for the SBU campus community.
Students, faculty, and staff are strongly encouraged to register their bicycles with the Office of Safety & Security as a deterrent to theft and to aid of recovery of missing bicycles. The bike's make, model, color and serial number (if available) will be needed at the time of registration.
Free indoor storage is available for all registered non-electronic bikes. Hoverboards, electronic bikes, electric scooters, and electric skateboards are prohibited from being stored inside university facilities. Batteries for such transportation are also prohibited from being stored in residential facilities. These modes of transportation are to be registered with Safety and Security and stored outside.
Any bicycle stored or operated on campus should have a valid permit affixed to it and must be parked in a bike rack, locked, and in operable condition. Improperly stored bikes (in stairwells, chained to trees, etc.) may be impounded.
Inoperable bicycles left for a period longer than 48 hours may also be impounded. Locks that are cut or damaged during removal will not be replaced by SBU.
Bikes may not be stored on campus during the summer months, unless the bicycle is being used. If you are a returning summer student with a bicycle, please email security@lyhymh.net or call 716-375-2527 to make arrangements.
At the end of the spring semester, a campus-wide bicycle "cleanup" is performed. Unregistered and/or inoperable bicycles will be offered up at an auction. Bicycles not sold in the auction will be discarded or destroyed.